We are in 2022, it is time to modernize your relationship and treatment of your employees. They are not slaves of your company, they are important assets for your business, without them you have nothing. It's easy to think "Well, if you don't…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/employes-de-qualite.jpeg7781900CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-21 14:49:402022-11-22 12:19:38Ideas para atraer a los mejores empleados y mantenerlos
If you are someone who seeks success and who takes big risks, one of your main fears is failure. Because failure leads you to lose self-esteem, confidence, security, and especially: it hurts.
To overcome it, it is important…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/échec-peur.jpeg7781900CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-18 18:01:212022-11-13 18:04:08How to overcome failure
Business Plan: is a 20 to 30 page document that includes the business line, investment amount, products, customer target, sales strategy, marketing, who is the competition, ideological structure,…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/mapvsplan.jpeg7781900CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-14 17:38:172022-11-12 17:39:26Business Plan Vs MAP
Does money serve you? Does money make you happy? How do you use your money? Does money really buy happiness? All those questions are important. And if you don't know how to answer, that's fine. I have the answer for you.…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/largent-fait-le-bonheur.jpeg7781900CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-13 17:26:352022-11-13 17:26:35Money DOES buy happiness
Stress manifests itself in many ways. In many instances, stomachaches, indigestion, insomnia, and other common symptoms can send you to see a doctor. Your doctor will give you a regular diagnosis: something…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/impact-stress.jpeg7781900CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-13 17:14:392022-11-13 17:14:39The impact of stress on your health and well-being
What type of phone do you have? What kind of car? Do you buy clothes and accessories from certain brands? WHY?
How to sell to my clients? For many entrepreneurs, the quality of their product / service, as…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/vendre.jpeg7781900CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-13 06:05:002022-11-12 06:06:20Your customer buys emotions, not your product
If you want to gain more control over your spending and start working toward your financial goals, you need a budget.
A personal or family budget is a detailed summary of income and expenses expected for a defined…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/budget-mensuel.jpeg7781900CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-12 17:59:522022-11-12 17:59:52Manage a monthly budget
Did you know that in Mexico new companies have a very low percentage of success? About 75% of new businesses do not reach two years. It seems to be too much, doesn't it? Look at that: 90% do not reach 5 years, and about 97% do not survive 10…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/entreprises-echouent.jpeg7781900CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-12 05:37:332022-11-12 05:37:33Why do businesses fail?
A belief is a feeling that reassures you about the meaning of what you know or think. Create in your mind a kind of MAP, a path, which allows you to arrive where you want to go. Two problems with an individual's beliefs are:
Beliefs are…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/croyances-limitantes.jpeg7781900CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-10 22:09:172022-11-10 22:09:56Are your beliefs limiting you?
Most people and businesses suffer the consequences of a recession, losing assets and money. Others are taking advantage of the recession to make money. As I always tell ourselves: this money has to go one way or the other. You don't lose it…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/recession.jpeg9832400CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-10 21:45:232022-11-10 21:47:58How to take advantage of a recession to make money
Businesses these days aren't just competing for customers, they're also competing for the best available (and sometimes unavailable) elements of the job market. The terms "company culture", "employee well-being" and "work-life balance" abound…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/bien-etre.jpeg9832400CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-10 21:30:082022-11-10 22:16:30Invest in the well-being of your employees
In life, same as in business, everything is about negotiations. You do it everyday. It could be negotiating a contract for a new job, a better salary, a loan from your bank, shopping at a flea market, or simply negotiating with your spouse about…
https://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/lire-une-personne.jpeg7781900CPF Entrepreneurhttps://cpfentrepreneur.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/logog-300x188.pngCPF Entrepreneur2022-11-10 17:49:532022-11-20 17:41:56Become a master of negotiations
Ideas para atraer a los mejores empleados y mantenerlos
How to overcome failure
Business Plan Vs MAP
Money DOES buy happiness
The impact of stress on your health and well-being
Your customer buys emotions, not your product
Manage a monthly budget
Why do businesses fail?
Are your beliefs limiting you?
How to take advantage of a recession to make money
Invest in the well-being of your employees
Become a master of negotiations